Pop Up Pack Blu-ray Haul | January 2020

Sunday, 5 January 2020

I'm a "member" of a subscription service called Pop Up Pack. Unlike other subscription services, this one doesn't charge you every month or even send you stuff every month. That's why I used quotes around member. So why join something like that when you don't get anything? Well, what you do get is access to their weekly "pop ups" which are basically just sales that last a week or two.

The theme changes each time so some weeks I'm more psyched than others.The pickings are slim most weeks, truth be told. But once in a while you can find a true gem, a five star movie, hidden in the rubble. Also, you may find a B, C, or even D film cheap enough that it's worth it. This time around I think I did pretty well. Here's what I got.

Jupiter Ascending

Premise: A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry. This stars Mil Kunis, Channing Tatum, Eddie Redmayne, and Sean Bean.

I know, this was a critically panned commercial flop. Usually there are discrepancies between what critics like and what actual human beings with hearts like, but with Jupiter Ascending, both sides tend to agree. But at the price of two dollars for a mindless but fun sci-fi film brought to us by the Wachowskis. This is one of those movies that straddle the line between bad and fun. I think it's just fun enough to make the two bucks worth it.

Ride Along

Security guard Ben Barber must prove himself to his girlfriend's brother, top police officer James Payton. He goes on a ride along with James during a 24 hour patrol of Atlanta. This stars Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter, Laurence Fishburne, and John Leguizamo.

I'll always give Kevin Hart's movies a chance. He's just one of those reliable actors that picks movies that may not be great, but they're fun. Central Intelligence, Jumanji, The Wedding Ringer, and Get Hard. None of those are great movies, but they're enjoyable. At 3 dollars, this was a must buy.

Ride Along 2

As his wedding day dapproaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying th edealers of Atlanta with product.

The same things I said about the first movie can be said about this one. Not a great movie, but fun and enjoyable. Ice Cube and Kevin Hart are proven comedic actors and Tika Sumpter can both add to the comedy as well as deliver a much needed respite and add some wholesomeness.

Dallas Buyers Club

In 1985 Dallas, electrician and hustler Ron Woodroff works around the system to help AIDS patients get the medication they need after he is diagnosed with the disease. This stars Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, and Jared Leto.

While the first three movies were quite positive and even fun, this one, while good, brings the mood down quite a bit. But it's also an important film to remember. Matthew McConaughey is a treasure who has brought us some amazing characters and performances and this is just another on his list of ever growing IMDB page.

My Cousin Vinny

Two New Yorkers are acused of murder in rural Alabama while on their way back to college, and one of their cousins, an inexperienced, loudmouth lawyer not accustomed to Southern rules and manners, comes in to defend them. This stars Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei, Ralph Macchio, and Fred Gwynne.

According to the YouTuber LegalEagle, this is one of the most accurate law movies in existence as well as a favorite movie of a lot of lawyers. Who thought that a 90's comedy would be so well received? Anyone who has seen it of course. This is on my short list of favorite comedies and is always fun rewatch. This film has aged really well. There aren't any cringey modern faux pas that must be excused or anything else that really solidifies it in the 90's. Obviously there are no cell phones or internet but the lack of technology or any modern conveniences doesn't stand out so much that it's hard to ignore. This is and always will be a great film.

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