15 Facts About Me

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

 So did I steal this idea from my wife? Yes. Yes I did. Am I going to link to her blog? Yes. Yes I will. You can find her version of this blog here, and while you're there, check out her other work! But for now, here are 15 facts about me!

  1. I love to play board games. I'm always looking for new ones but my current favorites are Smash Up, Dominion, Takenoko, and the classic Settlers of Catan.
  2. I'm an assistant admin at a organic grocery store called New Leaf. I've worked there for five years and started out as a cashier.
  3. Though I had a personal blog for a couple years before, I consider writing for SomewhatNerdy my blogging origins. The head of the site, SnarfKris had put out a call for new writers and submitted some of my work and the rest is history. 
  4. It's because of SomewhatNerdy that I started my podcast, Future Flicks with Billiam (which can be found wherever you listen to podcasts.) SnarfKris started one and I decided that I wanted to as well. Since movies are my passion, I based my show off that.
  5. I'm half-Japanese. My mom is Japanese and my dad is half Swedish so I'm a nice mix of Japan and Europe. My closest living relatives, besides my parents, were all from my mom's side so I identify more with my Japanese heritage.
  6. I once wanted to become an actor. I used to be a theater major in college before switching to communication. But I was really into it and even did quite a bit of improv.
  7. My favorite band is a band called Parachute that I discovered only because I won tickets to go see Third Eye Blind and Parachute opened for them. I ended up liking Parachute more than the main act and have gone to 6 of their shows since.
  8. I have three tattoos. My first tattoo was a whim and the guy who designed it helped me realized that my idea couldn't really work so he designed something different. If I could go back I would get something else, but I don't hate it. My second tattoo was the crest of kindness from season 2 of Digimon. My final tattoo is a heart question mark that represents the first story I ever got published at a local magazine. 
  9. My favorite show of all time is Guy's Grocery Games but if we're talking fiction than it's Stargate SG1. I've seen the show all the way through 3 times, which to some people may not be much, but since I like always taking in new content, it's quite a bit. Especially because it's a 10 season show with two spin-offs.
  10. My favorite book series is The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher but my favorite book of all time is Less by Andrew Sean Greer. Two completely different types of books but I think that's a sign of my wide horizons.
  11. I'm 37 and I simulatneously feel it and don't feel it. Sometimes I feel quite young and spry but then the sun goes down and I get tired and remember that I'm not a kid anymore. Staying up until midnight is a really late night for me.
  12. I've had surgery on my shoulder after falling out of a chair at work and getting three tears in my rotator cuff. I was off of work for the better part of a year and since I had just got married, my wife and I got to spend a lot of time together. 
  13. I have a passion for food. Early in my college career when I was bouncing back and forth between majors, there was a year that I was a culinary arts major. To this day I still love eating out and trying new food and I like to cook though I'm not very good at it and tend to get stressed out.
  14. I'm a writer though I get discouraged easily and can never finish a long project. I've only ever finished short stories because I get too critical of my own work so I can never finish anything too long. Though my dream would be to finish one of my novel ideas and get published.
  15. My top five favorite movies are Ghostbusters, Gladiator, About Time, Princess Mononoke, and Little Women.

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